The project aims to promote Nova Gorica-Gorizia GO2025 as a meeting point to foster the consolidation of a national and international network of entities operating in the theatrical and performing arts sectors in various border cities.

The project originates from a national network composed of Quarantasettezeroquattro (FVG), Karakorum Teatro of Varese (operating in small towns on the border between Lombardy and Switzerland), and Associazione Palinodie of Aosta, operating on the Italian-French border. The network was established and began working during 2022-2023 thanks to funding from the Boarding Pass+ Call by the Ministry of Culture.

Il progetto intende promuovere Nova Gorica-Gorizia GO2025 come punto d’incontro per favorire il consolidamento di una rete nazionale e internazionale di realtà che operano nell’ambito teatrale e performativo in diverse città di confine.

Il progetto prende avvio da una rete nazionale composta da Quarantasettezeroquattro (FVG), Karakorum Teatro di Varese (operante in piccoli paesi sul confine tra Lombardia e Svizzera) e Associazione Palinodie, di Aosta, operante sul confine italo-francese. La rete si è costituita e ha iniziato a lavorare nel corso del 2022-2023 grazie a un finanziamento sul Bando Boarding Pass+ del Ministero della cultura.


  • Best practices / Buone pratiche

    promuovere buone pratiche di ricerca-azione attraverso i linguaggi del contemporaneo finalizzati ad indagare, raccontare, attivare  le comunità transfrontaliere /

    to promote good practices of action-research through contemporary languages aimed at investigating, narrating, and activating cross-border communities.

  • New formats / Nuovi format

    to experiment with cross-border artistic formats and produce performances and shows resulting from site-specific and community-specific practices in various border areas /

    sperimentare format artistici transfrontalieri e produrre performance e spettacoli frutto di pratiche site specific e community specific in diverse aree di frontiera.

  • Circulation / circuitazione

    favorire la conoscenza reciproca e la circuitazione delle opere realizzate in questi contesti, anche grazie ad azioni di traduzione, sovratitolatura o doppiaggio /

    to foster mutual understanding and the circulation of works created in these contexts, also through actions of translation, subtitling, or dubbing.

  • meetings and discussions / Incontri e confronti

    favorire l’incontro, il confronto e la discussione sulle potenzialità e le criticità dell’operare in ambito teatrale e performativo – ma più in generale in ambito culturale – in comunità transfrontaliere / 

    to promote meetings, discussions, and debates on the potential and challenges of working in the theatrical and performing arts sector – but more generally in the cultural sector – in cross-border communities.


Along the Line. Border Theaters is a public call open to institutions, organizations, collectives, cultural operators, and multidisciplinary artists, with particular attention to performance arts, operating in border areas and implementing cross-border creation practices. The call aims to identify institutions willing to share and network their practices during three days of exchange within the In/Visible Cities Festival in Gorizia (ITA) and Nova Gorica (SLO), from August 30 to September 1, 2024.

Along the Line. Border Theaters aims to experiment with new models of cultural work across borders and intends to promote GO! 2025 Nova Gorica-Gorizia European Capital of Culture as a meeting point to foster the consolidation of a national and international network of institutions operating in the theatrical and performance fields in various border cities.